Technology, image(s) and social science
Cédric Plessiet (F)
Interactive, virtual, intelligent actors: previewing for the cinema; motion capture, modelling, 3D scanning, real-time rendering engines, and artificial intelligence for for video games.
Cédric Plessiet has been a maître de conférences at ATI since 2009; he carries out research at the INREV, at Paris 8.
Daniel Gatica-Perez (CH)*
How mobile phones can help us understand cities.
Daniel Gatica-Perez is a researcher at the IDIAP research institute, Director of its social computing group, and a maître d’enseignement et de recherche at the Federal School of Engineering at Lausanne (EPFL).
Johann Roduit (CH)
Will we be all X-Men tomorrow? The ethical implications of improving human beings.
Johann Roduit is writing his doctorate at the Institute of Biomedical Ethics of the University of Zurich on the ethics of improving human beings. He is a co-founder of NeoHumanitas, a study group on the ethical implications of the use of emergent technologies.
Marc-Olivier Gonseth (CH)
In the labyrinth of myths: thoughts on the myths that, in works of fiction, try to express the complexity of the symbols and technologies that, in these early years of the 21st century, are (re-)drawing the boundaries of what we call our humanity.
Trained as an ethnologist, Marc-Olivier Gonseth is the Director of the Ethnographic Museum of Neuchâtel.
Mike Pelletier (NL)*
From the physical to the digital and back again. Exploring the theme of translation between the digital and physical worlds and how things change when they’re being changed from one world to another.
Mike Pelletier is an artist working in the fields of interactive installations, game art, and 3D animation. He will also be presenting a work called “Measured Response”, specially created for this Symposium.
Stéphanie Mader (CH)
From games for entertainment to educational and therapeutic games: presentation of a prototype game for stimulating the attention of Alzheimer patients.
Stéphanie Mader is a video game designer who is writing her doctorate at the Computer Research Laboratory (CEDRIC) of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts in Paris on methods for designing games for health.
Sylvain Calinon (CH)
Learning and collaborating with humanoid robots: presentation of recent research with Baxter, a programmable two-handed robot which is designed to learn to manipulate objects in collaboration with humans.
Sylvain Calinon is a researcher at the IDIAP research institute at Martigny, and heads the “Robot Learning & Interaction” group, which aims to develop new interfaces for humanoid robots to learn and interact.
Chu-Yin Chen (F)
Thirty years of evolution: a history of the Fine Arts and Image Technology department at the University of Paris 8, and presentation of technological innovations and the emergence of of new aesthetics.
Chu-Yin Chen directs the INReV (digital image and virtual reality) laboratory and co-directs the ATI (Fine Arts and Image Technology department) at the University of Paris 8. She is also a digital artist whose works are situated at the convergence between art and science (3D animations, installations, and paintings).
*In English

Robot Baxter

CHu-Yin Chen Quorum-Sensing
Chu-Yin Chen Ephémère